Meet Kevin Nothnagel, VP of Sales at Clockwise

Meet Kevin Nothnagel, VP of Sales at Clockwise

Cathy Reisenwitz
Content, Clockwise
October 7, 2021
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Meet Kevin Nothnagel, VP of Sales at Clockwise
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Clockwise just hired our first VP of Sales, and we found quite a catch. Kevin Nothnagel has a passion for building sales teams, tons of experience with a product led growth sales motion, and a heart for our customers. I sat down with Kevin to talk about where his career took him before coming to Clockwise, what drew him to Clockwise, and what he likes doing when he’s off the clock. 

The journey to Clockwise

Kevin Nothnagel came to us from Productboard, where he headed up Sales. In that role he grew sales by over $10 million in a year and a half. He also grew the team by 29 new salespeople and three new managers. In doing so he also launched their outbound sales motion. 

Before Productboard Kevin launched sales teams for Facebook Workplace in Dublin and Utah, where he grew the sales team to 27. 

Prior to that Kevin got a taste for product led growth sales motions at the OG: Dropbox. There, he built the outbound team, promoting 14 people there along the way, and grew the pipeline to more than $100 million. Not bad for a first-time manager.

Why Clockwise

“I wasn’t rushing out of my last company,” Kevin clarifies. “What drew me was the people. Matt and the rest of the leadership team were thoughtful, kind, quick to laugh, a little nerdy like me. I felt at home working with and talking to this team every day.”

Besides the people, Kevin told me he is excited about the mission, building out a team, and the customers Clockwise serves. 

Kevin notes that widespread work-from-home for the pandemic has led to confusion about work schedules and expectations that workers are always available. He appreciates how Clockwise helps alleviate that anxiety and prevents burnout by automatically signaling when users are working and not working to their bosses and colleagues. 

“I’m looking forward to getting a product in everybody’s hands that makes their lives better in a pandemic environment,” Kevin said. “Before I joined, I had a teammate at Productboard who, before she even knew I was coming here, said, ‘Clockwise changed my life.’ She said it helped her create boundaries between work and life. That’s a big thing. It’s a very important mission that we're on. It’s meaningful, especially now.”

“I’m also excited about building out a team,” Kevin said. “I love this phase of growth, putting good foundations in place to help us scale and grow faster. The opportunity is really to build the next great sales team in Silicon Valley.”

But what really got Kevin talking was the customers. 

“We’re working with some of the most innovative customers in the world -- autonomous vehicle companies and future of commerce companies -- to help them drive productivity for their teams,” Kevin said. “We increased Eng productivity for a major FinTech company by 20%. We help the most dynamic companies in the world innovate even faster because their Engineers aren’t bothered with unnecessary meetings or poorly designed days. We lay out their calendar really nicely so they can focus on what’s important: Shipping new product and new code.”

It’s another good sign that so many companies in the business of optimization run their calendars on Clockwise. “It’s cool that we serve so many companies that are fascinated by the idea that you can optimize things better with technology than you can manually as an individual,” Kevin said. “We have all these amazing customers and that we’re growing our number of customers at an incredibly fast pace.” 

Kevin at home

When not introducing world-class companies to Clockwise, you can find Kevin taking his mom to Greece. 

Kevin and his mom visiting Greece

Or visiting his partner Ali in Austin TX where she lives. 

Kevin loves exercise, particularly the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel, a must during lockdown. “The videos are free and her dog makes an appearance in almost every video,” Kevin said. “I love that she’s democratizing yoga.”

Kevin and Ali at the beach at sunset

Interested in working with Kevin on our sales team? We’re currently looking for our next Sales Development Representative and Strategic Account Executive. If that’s not you, check out our other open positions

About the author

Cathy Reisenwitz

Cathy Reisenwitz is the former Head of Content at Clockwise. She has covered business software for six years and has been published in Newsweek, Forbes, the Daily Beast, VICE Motherboard, Reason magazine, Talking Points Memo and other publications.

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